Hello, I'm Troy.
Throughout life, we often grapple with profound questions. While some have a clear vision, others find it challenging to grasp.

Around my 48th birthday, a pivotal moment came: my son was diagnosed with ADHD. It was then that our son's doctor posed a thought-provoking question to my wife and me, "Did you know ADHD often runs in families, much like height?" This question led to a profound realization. The doctor explained that ADHD's hereditary aspect is significant, akin to height, with an estimated 80% inheritability. Moreover, it was highlighted that for some, ADHD persists into adulthood.
This conversation was a turning point, making me reflect deeply on my life. Six months later, I was diagnosed with ADHD too.
This website was born a few months into my personal exploration of ADHD. This journey not only brought me closer to understanding myself but also made me realize how common my experience might be. There are likely many adults in similar circumstances, some aware and managing their condition, others possibly oblivious to its effects on their lives and those around them.
I frequently pondered over certain behaviors:
Why the impulse purchases - cars, boats, motorbikes, caravans?
Why did I often misplace my phone, wallet, keys, forget names, and conversations?
Why was staying still a challenge, whether it was relaxing by a pool, enjoying a book, or standing still during a phone call?
Why did I battle with self-doubt, lack of focus, and constant distractions?
In hindsight, these were all manifestations of ADHD, though I was unaware at the time.
If this story strikes a chord with you or someone you know, you're in the right place :)